Look carefully into the branches above your head, into the earth scented undergrowth, do you see them?
However afeared of spiders you may be they do spin the most beautiful webs. Silken ropes shimmering in the gentlest of breezes conjoining fern and flower, branch and twig.
Early morning dew transforms them into jewels fit for a faerie queen, the wakening sun catching the silver of their construct, dust motes and pollen dancing carelessly between strands.
The GreenWitch was taught by the spiders how to create this magic, a secret she will never tell . . .
#GreenWitch #cobwebs #Hackfall #woods #woodland #thewoodlandTrust #naturemagic #Masham #grewelthorpe #northyorkshire #treecharms #pyrography #awalkinthewoods #treemagic #greenmagickfolk #spiders #faeriefolk #naturalspaces #motherearth #gaia #conservation #protectourwoods #savenature #freeart #guerrillaart #wendimaynew #clarelindley #naturewalk #green #ifyougodowntothewoodstoday